We now have a basic setup that we can use to run our tests on a CI; however, we still have some pretty big gaps. The basic CI setup that you have so far is running on one operating system and cannot run our tests against all browser/operating system combinations. We can deal with this issue by setting
up various build agents that connect to our CI server and run different versions of operating systems/browsers. This does however take time to con gure and can be quite ddly. You could also extend the capabilities of your CI server by setting up
a Selenium Grid that your CI server can connect to and run various Selenium test
jobs. Again this can be very powerful, but it also does have setup costs. This is where third-party services such as Sauce Labs (https://saucelabs.com) can be used. Most third-party grid services have free tiers, which can be very useful when you are getting started and working out what works for you. Remember that getting set up with
one third-party service does not lock you into it. One Selenium Grid is pretty much
the same as another, so even though you start off using a third-party server, there is nothing to stop you building up your own grid, or con guring your own build agents and moving away from the third-party service in the future.
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