This is not going to be a fully featured continuous integration setup, just enough for you to run the tests we have built so far. It should be enough to familiarize you with the technologies, though.
The rst thing we are going to do is con gure a Maven pro le. This will enable us to isolate our Selenium tests from the rest of the build if desired, so that we can turn them in a separate UI block of tests on our continuous integration server. This is
a very simple change to our POM; we are simply going to wrap our <build> and <dependencies> blocks with a pro le block. It will look like this:
<profiles> <profile>
<id>selenium</id> <activation>
<activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> </activation>
<build> <plugins>
<plugin> ...
</plugin> </plugins>
<dependencies> <dependency>
... </dependency>
</dependencies> </profile>
As you can see, we have created a pro le called selenium. If we want to run this
in isolation we can now use the following command:
mvn clean install –Pselenium
You will also notice that we have added <activeByDefault>true</ activeByDefault>; this will ensure that this pro le is active if no pro les are speci ed on the command line, so you will nd that the following command still works:
mvn clean install
This is to ensure that our tests are still run as part of a normal build, and the SCM hooks that we set up previously still do their job.
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